History of Sleeping Buddha Statues in Mojokerto in the country of Indonesia

The Buddha statue is an assimilation of the Hellenistic culture of the Greeks. At first, in Buddhism there was no intention to erect a statue. But after the Greeks entered India with Hellenistic culture, they began to form the image of Buddha in the form of a statue. Due to the opening of the Silk Road, the religion and image of Buddha statues began to spread to the countries it passed (including Southeast Asia and China).
However, when Buddhist culture resides in each country, Buddhist images begin to mix with the local culture of each tower. This is because the establishment of a statue if not mixed with local culture, the community will not be interested. Statues that used to be used only as a tool of worship by a particular group or doctrine, can now also be a means of promoting media right to get the attention of the community.

statueBuddhatidurTalking about sculpture, in Indonesia has various types of sculpture. These statues usually hold a large historical relic. One of them is the Sleeping Buddha Statue. The Sleeping Buddha Statue is built inside the Maha Vihara Mojopahit complex. In Indonesia, Sleeping Buddha statues are only found in Mojokerto and Bogor.
According to observers, the statue of buddha sleeping in Mojokerto is the largest statue in Indonesia. This statue also ranks third after a similar statue located in Thailand and Myanmar.
The Character of a Sleeping Buddha Statue in Mojokerto
Is a statue depicting Buddha Gautama.
It has a length of 22 meters, a width of 6 meters and a height of 4.5 meters.
Made using concrete.
Created in 1993 by YM Viryanadi Maha Tera, artisan sculpture origin Trowulan.
All parts of the statue are painted a golden yellow color, while at the bottom of the statue there are reliefs depicting the life of Buddha Gautama, karmaphala law and the law of rebirth.
The position of the body of the statue lying on its side facing south and the head leaning on a supported pillow with his right arm.
Near the statue, there is a pool of water overgrown with lotus plants depicting the sea where the ashes of Gautama Buddha run.
The position of Sleeping Buddha Statue
Sleeping Buddha Statue (Buddha statue) is a statue depicting Buddha Gautama lying facing right side. While the head of the statue, leaning on a pillow propped up his right arm. According to Nyanadhiro's monk, "Rupang is a replica or image of those who are considered to have attained sanctity, like the Buddhas and their disciples. Rupang is usually placed on the prayer table and used as a direction to read the scriptures in Buddhism. Rupang only serves as a symbol to aid visualization ".

The Sleeping Buddha statue is made lying facing southward, so Buddhists consider the southern direction to be the direction of Qiblah. This sleeping or reclining or sleeping position is believed to be the position when the Buddha Gautama left the world entering Nirvana. According to health, right-sided sleeping position is the best position to protect the heart from being overlapped or depressed other organs.
Other sources mention different things that the position of the statue is lying facing this right side because the Buddha Gautama is doing meditation. This is also made clear by one of the employees at Maha Vihara Mojopahit, "Under Rupang Sleeping Buddha, there is a room used for meditation of Buddhists" (Abadiyah, 2014).
Who is Sidharta Gautama?
Sidhartha Gautama (the name of Sakyamuni Buddha or Gautama Buddha) is an Indian royal prince who founded Buddhism. Buddhism is a doctrine of religious philosophy that does not know God. In their teachings, even if they do not know God, they will reward them when they do good to their neighbors and will sanction punishment if they commit evil deeds.
The Buddha Statue of Gautama is designed to represent the enlightened Buddha. He is also known as Shakyamuni the sage of the Sakyans'. The Buddha Statue of Gautama was first made in 400-500 years after his Maha Parinibbana (died). Image The Buddha statue is usually similar to the Greek god, wearing a cloak, curly hair and the position of the founding also the position of the Greek God.
Location Sleeping Buddha Statue
Sleeping Buddha Statue is located in Bejijong Village, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency. Its location is in the middle of the village close to the village of paddy field, so that makes the atmosphere there to be calm and cool typical of the countryside. This place is often visited by tourists, both for worship and non-Buddhist entourage, especially school holidays visited by many students.
The management of the monastery is quite open to the arrival of the entourage from anywhere and will provide information on matters related to the existence of this place. To get to the village location Bejijong can use private vehicles or public transportation, for example the bus because the location is easy to reach and close to the cross road lane East Java Province.
Trowulan is one of the small districts in Mojokoerto that has a temple site that is quite a lot. Usually, temple administrators in East Java initiated spiritual events at temple sites, especially Buddhist temple sites in Trowulan as they attract tourists. Trowulan site is the site of Majapahit Kingdom from the XIII-XV century AD.
"Traveling to this place is not just a holiday, but visitors can also climb the great history of a kingdom that became the inspiration of the Indonesian nation about" Unity of Nusantara ". In addition, visitors can understand how the level of civilization in Trowulan in Majapahit period, ranging from government systems, trade, foreign relations, technology, architecture, agriculture, to the art of craft "(Bhiksu Nyanaloka)
Nyanaloka Monk is one of the monks who are now in the location of Maha Vihara. In accordance with the explanation of the Priest, by visiting this monastery, visitors not only aim to travel alone, but also to learn the great history of the kingdom of Majapahit first. In addition, we can also study and introspect in the present life of how the system of government, commerce, foreign relations, technology, architecture, agriculture and art crafts in the times of the first empire.
The Current Atmosphere in the Maha Vihara Complex
Entering the Maha Vihara compound, the heart will feel calm and peaceful. Shady trees and a cool atmosphere make the tourists really like this place. This is dikedarakan Maha Vihara complex location is very close to the village of paddy fields. In addition there is a history of buddha statue of sleep, in this monastery there are also buildings that are very closely related to religion, namely:
- Rat Temple
- Candi Bajang Ratu
- Wringin Lawang temple
- Kedaton Temple
- Gentong Temple
- Brahu temple
- Gentong Temple
- Miniature of Borobudur Temple
- Statue of Kera Sakti
Inside the complex there is also a monastery for worship by Buddhists. On the back wall of the main building there are also large reliefs. These reliefs tell the Buddha Gautama is practicing his teachings. Maha Vihara Majapahit is functioned as a place of Buddhist worship, but there is no prohibition for other religious visitors entering this monastery on condition that it should not be noisy. This is because the monks and nuns in Maha Vihara Majapahit really appreciate the calm.