Senin, 04 April 2011

Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesdays

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:

  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall open to a random page.
  • Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
  • You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
  • Please avoid spoilers!

My understanding of the law is this: if I came to the U.S. on a tourist visa for the sole purpose of getting married in order to stay, that would be illegal. But if I came for a visit and just happened to fall in love - well, then it would be okay. The immigration people would let me stay.

The problem is, I did both.

(Pg 136-7, Dreaming in English by Laura Fitzgerald)